
Error Item Web Api No Files Are Being Uploaded Sitecore

Sitecore Mobile SDK ver. 1.0.0


Sitecore Mobile SDK is a framework that is designed to assistance the developer produce iOS based applications that use and serve content that is managed by Sitecore. This should enable y'all to speedily develop iPhone applications utilizing the full phone features (photographic camera, location, accelerometer and gestures for example). The applications can and then request content from Sitecore efficiently and deeply.

Details on what is contained in the Sitecore package and the iOS project template and libraries can be found below.

The framework comes with a sample project that makes it very easy to start writing apps, along with comprehensive programmer documentation, and several sample projects, including the iPhone/iPad application based on the Nicam demonstration site.

The Mobile SDK requires Sitecore Item Web API to exist installed on the server. Web API is a new Sitecore REST-mode web service that outputs JSON, that enables the mobile applications to get content from Sitecore efficiently and securely. Notwithstanding this service is also useful for many other purposes exterior of iOS evolution, including Android/Windows Telephone development and even desktop apps and tools, and for this reason it is packaged and documented separately. Please see the Chapter one below for a download link.

Please follow these chapters for more than details:

  • The Mobile SDK Components This chapter contains a brief description for the components of the Sitecore Mobile SDK.
  • The Mobile SDK Installation This affiliate describes how to install the Mobile SDK on the client and the server sides.
  • Getting Started This chapter describes requirements and procedures to start using the Mobile SDK.

Link to download complete Mobile SDK documentation PDF


1. The Mobile SDK Components The Server

The Sitecore Mobile SDK server package contains components that permit you to use iOS features in your website.

The Sitecore Mobile SDK server packet requires:

  • .Net Framework version two.0 and later for the Application Pool of your website.
  • Sitecore CMS version 6.5 or later.

Link to download Sitecore Mobile SDK server package

The Mobile SDK API is called the "Sitecore Particular Web API" and is web service based. This web service is designed with the Balance principles to make the Sitecore content attainable through HTTP requests in the JSON format.

The Web API supports accessing the content through items paths, IDs, or by running queries. The output produced by the service is highly customizable and optimized to reduce the number of requests.

Link to download Sitecore Item Web API packet

i.2 The Client

The client is an iOS projection that contains the "SitecoreMobileSDK.framework" that provides an Objective-C API. You tin can utilize this API to admission Sitecore content through the web service and employ this content in your application. The API also supports advanced features such as caching.

You lot tin use the Mobile SDK to display the existing HTML presentation while having access to the native iOS hardware and software abilities. You tin can reuse the elements of the website and reduce the implementation cost. You can also utilise native Objective-C.

The listing of native features available in HTML environment includes:

  • Left-Right swipe navigation.
  • Access to the camera and the photo library.
  • Accelerometer information.
  • Device information.
  • Access to the contact listing and easy cosmos of new contacts.
  • Creating tweets through the organisation-wide twitter accounts
  • Sending email messages using the email business relationship

Link to download SitecoreMobileSDK.framework

2. The Mobile SDK Installation

This chapter describes how to install the Mobile SDK components. This chapter contains the post-obit sections:

  • Installing the Server Side Components
  • Installing the Customer Side Components

two.ane Installing the Server Side Components

ii.i.1 Installing the Sitecore Item Web API Service

Use the Sitecore Installation Wizard to install the Sitecore Item Web API service:

  1. Log in to the Sitecore Desktop.
  2. Click Sitecore, Development Tools, Installation Sorcerer. The wizard will guide you through the installation process.
  3. In the Select Package dialog box, specify the package that yous want to install.
  4. Click Browse to locate the package or click Upload to upload the package. The binder, to which the packages are uploaded, is specified in the web.config file.
  5. In the License Agreement dialog box, accept the license agreement.
  6. In the Gear up to Install dialog box, y'all can review the package information and and then click Install.
  7. When the installation is consummate, you lot can cull to restart the Sitecore customer or the Sitecore server and then click End. To test that the Sitecore Detail Spider web API Service is working, brand a simple asking to the service.
  8. In a browser, enter the URL: http://yoursite/-/particular/v1/sitecore/Content/Domicile. simple request
  9. If you want to create/edit/remove items using Sitecore Item Web Api, you lot need to disable WebDav: (come across 'WebDAV.Enabled' setting in Sitecore.WebDAV.config)
2.1.two Installing the Sitecore Mobile SDK server bundle

Use the Sitecore Installation Sorcerer to install the Sitecore "Mobile SDK server package" on the server side:

  1. Log in to the Sitecore Desktop.
  2. Click Sitecore, Development Tools, Installation Wizard. The wizard volition guide y'all through the installation process.
  3. In the Select Package dialog box, specify the package that y'all want to install.
  4. Click Browse to scan for an existing package or Upload to upload a new one.
  5. In the Gear up to Install dialog box, you can review the bundle information and and so click Install.
  6. When the installation is complete, yous can cull to restart the Sitecore client or the Sitecore server and then click Finish.
  7. Afterwards package installation add the post-obit string to < xslExtensions > section of spider web.config file:


              <xslExtensions> ... <extension mode="on" type="Sitecore.XslHelpers.MobileExtensions, Sitecore.Mobile" namespace="http://www.sitecore.internet/scmobile" /> ... </xslExtensions>                          

At present, y'all tin utilise the Sitecore Mobile SDK server side component.

two.2 Installing the Client Side Components

To start the client side installation, y'all must have the SitecoreMobileSDK.framework bundle.

2.2.i Installing the Sitecore Mobile SDK server parcel

To utilize the Sitecore Mobile SDK framework in your application:

  1. Create a unproblematic XCode Single View Application projection. For more than information, run into the Getting Started section in the Apple Developer Manual. If y'all take already created an XCode Single View Application project, you can skip this step.
  2. Drag the SitecoreMobileSDK.framework packet and drop information technology into the project'south Frameworks source grouping. Finish
  3. Add the -ObjC flag to the Other linker flag in the XCode Build Settings. For more data, come across the section Build Setting Reference in the Apple Programmer Manual. Finish
  4. Link the post-obit frameworks to the project: CFNetwork.framework , CoreMotion.framework , CoreLocation.framework , CoreMedia.framework , CoreVideo.framework , AddressBook.framework , AudioToolbox.framework , AddressBookUI.framework , Twitter.framework , MessageUI.framework , MapKit.framework , AVFoundation.framework . For more data, see the section Linking to Library or Framework in the Project Editor Help in the Apple Developer Transmission.
  5. Link the following libraries to the project: libxml2.dylib , libz.dylib , libsqlite3.dylib , libstdc++.dylib , libc++.dylib , libiconv.dylib For more data, see the section Linking to Library or Framework in the Projection Editor Help in the Apple Developer Transmission.
  6. Add together line - "#import <SitecoreMobileSDK/SitecoreMobileSDK.h>" to your projection's *.pch or GCC_PREFIX_HEADER file. For more data, run across the department Build Setting Reference in the Apple Developer Manual.

Hither is an instance:

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