
what to do for leg cramps in the thigh

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Restless legs syndrome (RLS), as well known as Willis-Ekbom disease, causes uncomfortable or fifty-fifty painful sensations in the legs also as an uncontrollable urge to move them. These awareness are dissimilar anything that occurs exterior of the condition, and, well-nigh commonly, these symptoms occur afterwards in the afternoon or evening, especially when a person is sitting or lying in bed at night. Additionally, extended periods of inactivity can as well trigger RLS symptoms.

This condition is classified as a neurological sensory disorder because the symptoms are produced in the brain, but information technology's likewise classified as a sleep disorder, because it can impede a person'due south ability to autumn asleep — and stay asleep. Regardless, RLS plagues millions of Americans every year as well as upward to eight percent of the global population, which makes information technology more mutual than type ii diabetes. According to the National Institute of Wellness, RLS mainly affects adults and occurs more frequently in women than men.

What Causes Restless Legs Syndrome?

The causes of RLS remain unknown, though experts accept some leads. Some believe information technology may be caused by 1 or more than of the following: an imbalance of chemicals in the encephalon, iron deficiency, genetics, specific medications, and/or anxiety. In fact, with a whopping 20 percentage of all pregnant women experience RLS, some leading experts believe pregnancy might be a contributing factor.

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Every bit mentioned above, the symptoms announced to begin in the brain. To that end, RLS sensations tin fifty-fifty occur in someone who has lost their legs, giving them an irresistible desire to motion limbs they do not accept. Since the symptoms brainstorm in the brain, many at-home RLS treatments target the encephalon — or focus on relaxing both the mind and trunk. Generally speaking, balmy RLS tin be treated without pharmaceutical medications. However, regardless of the level of severity of a person'south RLS, the following dwelling house remedies tin can certainly help manage information technology.

Take a Warm Bath

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1 of the most common RLS remedies? Taking a warm bath. The heat can assist to relax the muscles, while the awareness of a warm bath has the power to soothe the mind. Furthermore, the sensation of the warm water can distract the brain from thinking most moving the legs, thus stopping the cycle. A warm bath before bed is corking for preparing both ane'south mind and trunk for rest and preventing symptoms from cropping up during the night.

Use Magnesium Supplements

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A natural muscle relaxant, magnesium may be helpful when it comes to relieving RLS symptoms. One study from 1998 found that magnesium provided relief for patients with mild to moderate RLS. Now, a clinical trial is currently underway looking into the use of magnesium for treating RLS as well. In fact, magnesium deficiency may be a potential crusade for RLS symptoms. Calcium activates nerves, which tin lead them to become overactive. Magnesium blocks calcium, thus assisting in nerve and muscle regulation.

If you do plan to apply magnesium to aid with RLS symptoms, doctors recommend taking it equally an individual supplement rather than in a multivitamin. Additionally, be aware that one of the side effects of magnesium can exist diarrhea, so starting with a low dose — between 200 and 400 mg per day — is all-time. If no side effect occurs, taking upwardly to 1000 mg per solar day is condom, but information technology's notwithstanding best to consult with your doctor before taking any supplements or changing your nutrition.

Get Enough Slumber

 Photo Courtesy: John Fedele/Getty Images

RLS symptoms tin can exist exacerbated past fatigue. For this reason, getting enough sleep could help minimize or preclude those bothersome symptoms. Get at to the lowest degree seven hours of slumber every nighttime. If you lot have trouble getting this much slumber, make certain you have a comfortable sleeping environment — dim lighting that doesn't strain the eyes earlier bed; comfortable bedding; a placidity space (or, if you need something to clear your head, a white-noise machine); and aromatics, like lavender candles or essential oils, can all assistance craft a more relaxing surroundings.

It's also important to set a routine: go to bed and wake upward at the same time every day. Sticking to a regimen can exercise wonders for your overall wellness.

Eat a Protein Snack Before Bed

 Photo Courtesy: Daniel Day/Getty Images

I of the triggers for RLS is low blood sugar. Because protein stabilizes blood sugar, consuming a bit of healthy protein before bed is recommended for those who suffer from RLS. A small-scale piece of chicken or meat, a hard-boiled egg, or even some beef jerky are all nifty options. Sugary protein snacks are not so practiced, as they can cause a blood-sugar fasten and subsequent crash.

Practice Regularly

 Photograph Courtesy: Kathrin Ziegler/Getty Images

Getting regular practice is good for your overall health, but information technology may be particularly helpful in relieving symptoms of RLS. Moderate exercises, like stretching, walking, jogging, and yoga, is ideal. A pocket-size, randomized and controlled trial from 2006 found that practice provided a noteworthy improvement of RLS symptoms. Yoga was also constitute to reduce RLS symptoms and severity in another 2013 study. Later, a 2022 written report showed that symptom severity of RLS significantly improved when doing stretching exercises.

However, there are some caveats. Make sure y'all don't push yourself too far or exercise besides shut to bedtime, as both of those things can make RLS symptoms worse.

Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol

 Photo Courtesy: Boy_Anupong/Getty Images

Caffeine, a widely used stimulant, may trigger symptoms of RLS because it arouses the nervous system. As such, cutting dorsum on caffeine could help to prevent RLS symptoms. This includes coffee, caffeinated teas and soft drinks, and even chocolate.

Additionally, people with RLS oft report that drinking alcohol tin cause RLS symptoms to present more often. While alcohol is known to help people autumn comatose, it can disturb sleep quality, thus indirectly contributing to a more mutual or severe feel of RLS as well.

Stay Hydrated

 Photo Courtesy: Miguel Sanz/Getty Images

Staying hydrated is of import for everyone, but information technology may be particularly important for those who suffer from RLS. Brand certain y'all drink plenty of water, every bit dehydration tin can aggravate RLS symptoms. In addition to staying on top of your water intake directly, avoiding diuretics, like caffeine and alcohol, tin also aid a person maintain optimal hydration levels.

Get a Weighted Coating

 Photo Courtesy: Catherine McQueen/Getty Images

Research has shown a link between feet and RLS. Every bit weighted blankets are frequently used to relieve anxiety, they could also assist to relieve RLS symptoms. In fact, weighted blankets tin trigger pressure points that assist people relax. Additionally, a weighted coating can serve equally a distraction from the restless legs sensation and, even on its own, can aid someone who's struggling to fall asleep.

Resource Links:

  • "Strategies for the Treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome" via U.S. National Library of Medicine
  • "Management of Restless Legs Syndrome in Pregnancy and Lactation" via Journal of Primary Intendance and Community Wellness
  • "Intendance and Treatment for Sleep Disorders" via Stanford Wellness Care
  • "Magnesium therapy for periodic leg movements-related insomnia and restless legs syndrome: an open up airplane pilot written report" via U.Due south. National Library of Medicine
  • "The Event of Magnesium Citrate Supplementation in Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)" via U.S. National Library of Medicine
  • "Restless Leg Syndrome linked to mineral deficiencies, but relief is bachelor" via Natural Health Media
  • "Exercise and restless legs syndrome: a randomized controlled trial" via U.Due south. National Library of Medicine
  • "Efficacy of an eight-week yoga intervention on symptoms of restless legs syndrome (RLS): a airplane pilot written report" via U.S. National Library of Medicine
  • "The Consequence of Stretching Exercises on Severity of Restless Legs Syndrome in Patients on Hemodialysis" via U.S. National Library of Medicine
  • "Restless legs, anxiety and caffeinism" via U.S. National Library of Medicine
  • "Correlation of anxiety and low symptoms in patients with restless legs syndrome: a population based survey" via U.S. National Library of Medicine
  • "Restless Legs Syndrome Fact Sheet" via National Found of Neurological Disorders
  • Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation


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