
Can I Upload My Dna Results to Ancestry

In this Upload-Download Serial, we'll cover each major vendor:

  • How to download raw information files from the vendor
  • How to upload raw data files to the vendor, if possible
  • Other mainstream vendors where you tin upload this vendor'south files

Uploading TO Ancestry

This part is easy with Ancestry because Beginnings doesn't accept whatsoever other vendor's files. There is no ability to upload TO Ancestry. You have to test with Ancestry if yous desire Deoxyribonucleic acid results from Ancestry.

Downloading FROM Ancestry

In guild to upload your Ancestry autosomal DNA file to some other testing vendor, or GedMatch, for either matching or ethnicity, you'll need to beginning download the file from Ancestry. This doesn't in whatsoever manner impact your Deoxyribonucleic acid matches at Ancestry. You're only downloading a copy of the raw data file.

Pace 1

Sign in to your business relationship at Ancestry and click on the Deoxyribonucleic acid Results Summary link.

Step 2

Click on the Settings gear, at the far upper right-hand corner of the summary page, just beneath your Ancestry user ID.

Step 3

Coil way to the bottom and click on the link for "Download Raw Deoxyribonucleic acid Data."

Pace 4

Enter your password and click on "I Understand," later reading of course.

And so click "Ostend."

Step 5

Ancestry will send an e-mail to the electronic mail address where you are registered with Ancestry. Check your inbox for that e-mail.


Yet waiting…

If the e-mail doesn't arrive before long, check your spam folder. If you've changed due east-postal service addresses, check to exist certain your new one is registered with Beginnings. That'southward on the same Settings page. If all else fails, request the e-mail once again.

Stride six

Ahhh, it's finally here.

Click on the greenish "Confirm Information Download" and do non close the window.

Stride 7

Next, click on the light-green "Download Deoxyribonucleic acid Data."

You lot'll see the following confirmation screen along with the downloaded file at the bottom.

Step 8

At the bottom of the page, higher up, if you're on a PC, you'll meet the name of the zipped file.

The file name will be "dna-information-2021-07-31" where the engagement is the date you downloaded the file. I would advise adding the word Beginnings to the front when you relieve the file on your system.

Nearly vendors desire an unopened zilch file, so if y'all want to open your file, first copy information technology to another name. Otherwise, you'll have to download once more.

That's it, you're washed!

Beginnings DNA File Uploads to Other Vendors

Beginnings testing falls into 2 different categories. V1 tests taken before May of 2022 and V2, the electric current version as of August 2022 which includes tests taken afterward May 2016. Tests candy during May 2022 could be either version. Even so, the major vendors have both files, and so the version no longer matters.

The difference betwixt V1 and V2 files is that Ancestry changed the chips they use to test and different Deoxyribonucleic acid positions are tested, resulting in a file of a different format.

Not all vendors accept uploads, but you lot tin can upload your Ancestry DNA file, as follows:

From below to >>>>>>>>>>> Family Tree DNA Accepts ** MyHeritage Accepts*** 23andMe Accepts* GedMatch Accepts
Ancestry V1 and V2 Yes Yes No Yes

*Note that 23andMe in 2022 allowed a one-time upload from Ancestry, but people who uploaded results did not receive matches from 23andMe. You demand to test at 23andMe.

**Notation that the upload to Family Tree DNA and matching is gratuitous, but avant-garde tools including the chromosome browser and ethnicity crave a $19 unlock fee. That fee is less expensive than retesting.

***MyHeritage provides free matching and basic tools. You'll need either a $29 unlock or a full subscription to employ all of the MyHeritage advanced Dna and genealogy tools. You can upload your DNA file here, and try the subscription for free, hither.

Testing and Upload Strategy

My recommendation, if yous test at Ancestry, is to upload your DNA file to MyHeritage, Family Tree Deoxyribonucleic acid, and GedMatch.

I wrote stride-by-stride upload instructions for:

  • MyHeritage, click here
  • Family Tree Dna, click here
  • Ancestry, click here

Take fun!

Please notation that this article was updated in August 2021.



I receive a pocket-size contribution when you click on some of the links to vendors in my articles. This does Non increase the cost you pay but helps me to proceed the lights on and this informational web log free for everyone. Please click on the links in the articles or to the vendors below if you are purchasing products or Deoxyribonucleic acid testing.

Thank you so much.

DNA Purchases and Gratuitous Uploads

  • FamilyTreeDNA – Y, mitochondrial and autosomal DNA testing
  • MyHeritage DNA – Autosomal DNA test
  • MyHeritage Complimentary Dna file upload – Upload your Deoxyribonucleic acid file from other vendors free
  • AncestryDNA – Autosomal DNA test
  • 23andMe Ancestry – Autosomal Deoxyribonucleic acid simply, no Health
  • 23andMe Ancestry Plus Health

Genealogy Products and Services

  • MyHeritage Gratis Tree Builder – Genealogy software for your reckoner
  • MyHeritage Subscription with Gratis Trial
  • Legacy Family Tree Webinars – Genealogy and Deoxyribonucleic acid classes, subscription-based, some complimentary
  • Legacy Family unit Tree Software – Genealogy software for your computer
  • Charting Companion – Charts and Reports to use with your genealogy software or FamilySearch
  • RootsMagic Software – Genealogy software for your reckoner
  • – Search newspapers for your ancestors


  • – Lots of wonderful genealogy research books

Genealogy Inquiry

  • Legacy Tree Genealogists – Professional genealogy inquiry


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